07.02.2025 – Liste des codes erreurs Transit et Notification d’arrivée.

En anglais :

Departure Error Codes

IE056 Rejection Message

Business Rejection Type

Code Description
013 Amendment rejection
014 Invalidation rejection
015 Declaration rejection
054 Release request rejection
141 Rejection of information about non-arrived movement
170 Presentation notification for the pre-lodged declaration rejection

Rejection Codes

Code Description
12 Message with functional error(s) – Violation of rules & conditions
4 Other reasons
7 Guarantee not valid for this customs territory

Functional Error Codes

Code Description
12 Value of an element in a message is outside the predefined set of values or not part of the applicable business/technical code list. This type of error is applicable to all elements with code values, so it is also applicable to those elements that identify a message type.
13 A mandatory/required element is missing in the received data following the validation of rule or condition, e.g. a required element is not present.
14 Rule violation
15 An element is not allowed to have a value due to the following two reasons: The element is not allowed to be present according to some additional condition, e.g. if type of packages has the value ‘UNPACKED’ then number of packages can not have a value (condition C0060).
26 The same interchange is received again. Duplication is detected by reception of a message identifier that has already been received.
50 An element is not valid (value, format or repetitions) according to a transitional constraint [downgrade & upgrade conversion].
51 An error reported by the Convertor in the Technical Message Structure (EDIFACT level) validation on the downgraded message (ECS-P2/NCTS-P4 message) [Downgrade conversion from NCTS-P5/AES to NCTS-P4/ECS-P2].
52 An error reported by the Convertor in the Functional Message Structure (ECS-P2/NCTS-P4 XML or rules/conditions) validation on the downgraded message (ECS-P2/NCTS-P4 message) [Downgrade conversion from NCTS-P5/AES to NCTS-P4/ECS-P2].
90 Unknown MRN
92 Message out of sequence
93 The structure of the MRN does not conform to specifications


IE051 No Release for Transit

Code Description
B1 Unsuccessful control results
C1 Goods not available for control
D1 Required special documents not presented
G1 Guarantee not valid
G2 Cash guarantee not provided
M1 Means of transport not roadworthy
N1 Non agreement reached under release flow
Q1 Declaration is filled in with invalid information
R1 Non compliance to release time guidelines
S1 Customs authorization for special seals not valid
X1 Underlying export declaration not in adequate status anymore
ZZ Other

IE055 Guarantee not Valid

Code Description
G01 Guarantee does not exist
G02 Guarantee exists, but not valid
G03 Access code not valid
G04 Holder of guarantee is not equal to holder of transit procedure in declaration
G05 Individual guarantee voucher already used
G06 Use restriction: No suspended goods
G08 Not valid for country of transit or country of destination
G09 Reference/Guarantee amounts NOT sufficient
G10 Individual guarantee by guarantor already used
G11 Customs office of departure and customs office of destination do not correspond (Guarantee type ‘2’)
G12 Declared commodity code, and commodity code in guarantee do not match
G13 The GRN and the guarantee type do not match


Arrival Error Codes

IE057 Message

Business Rejection Type

Code Description
007 Arrival notification rejection
044 Unloading remarks rejection

Rejection Codes

These are the same as for the IE057 rejection message.

Functional Error Codes

These are the same as for the IE056 rejection message.

Transit Phase 5 : Code erreurs
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